✌️ Peace Emoji

✌️ Peace Emoji shows a hand gesture with the index finger ☝️ and the middle finger is straightened in a “V” shape.

What is the meaning of the Peace emoji

✌️ Peace Emoji usually means “victory” in English, “Yeah” in Chinese. This gesture is often used when taking pictures. This is also a “Peace Sign”.

When did the Peace emoji come into existence

The Peace emoji was accepted by Unicode 1.1 in the year 1993 and added to Emoji 1.0 in the year 2015.

People also call this emoji as

✌️ Peace
✌️ Peace Sign
✌️ Two Fingers
✌️ Victory
✌️ Peace Out
✌️ V Sign

Other emojis like this one

Of course there are several other emojis that are similar or related to this one. Such as: ☝️👌🖐️🤙

Copy and paste the emoji

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